Sunday 22 November 2009

Surging Ashore, An Invader From The Sea

On Monday 16th November 2009 the Daily Mail published an article entitles Surging Ashore, An Invader From The Sea. This article told the story of extremely bad weather down south in Cornwall where weather was reaching up to 100 mph. A great part of the article is actually taken up by the giant wave smashing against the shore, which relates to the main title. This image of the wave creates a sense of realism to the article as it shows that it is not exaggerating when it speaks off the weather. The caption for this image is "Terrifying: A giant wave at Porthleven in Cornwall" which states the fear that the image is creating. There is also a smaller picture just below which could add a comedy element to the article. This image shows a man who seems to be flying who has achieved this due to the 100mph winds. This once again adds realism to the article as it clearly shows that the winds were indeed this strong.

This article also makes use of exciting and powerful words including "awe-inspiring power", "engulfed" and "unscathed". Using such words makes the article much more dramatic than that of what we would expect from a usual weather reporting article. The text makes the audience feel like this weather is powerful and creates a sense of fear of what will come next.

I believe the target audience for this article is mainly people age over 16. I believe this as people younger then this generally are not interested in the weather. The style of the article also adds to this theory with its use of only 2 images and the rest being text based. The Daily Mail is also quite a grown up newspaper that people under this age don't really read. This article on this date was actually available to read on the Daily Mail website where it used the same images and the same text from that off the newspaper.

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