Sunday 27 September 2009

The Representation Of Young People In The News

The article that i have chosen to analyze as a representation of young people is one which tells of the horror of a gang rape by five teenagers. This article can be found in the national newspaper "The News Of The World" on page 28 of the 27th September 2009. An image of this can also be seen below.

In the article it tells a story of how 5 teenagers aged between the ages of 13 and 17 attacked and raped a girl of 15 years of age. The article is written in a negative tone which emphasizes the sheer brutality of what these youths have done. It does this by using strong powerful words such as "horror" and "attack". It also includes a small image of where the attack was performed to give the article a more realistic feel and connect with the reader.

The article clearly states that this attack has been performed by "teens" which seems to single teenagers out as being different from everybody else and that others could be capable of this. This could potentially add to a typical teenage stereotype that all are the same and are just out to cause trouble. The young people that are being charged for this crime don't actually have the chance to speak for themselves in the article but a representative of there's does state that the boys will contest the charges.

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