Monday 28 September 2009

Mise-En-Scene: 300 - This Is Sparta

Mise-En-Scene is a term which is used to state everything that is put in the actual scene in front of the camera. This can consist of the set, the props used, the actors, the costumes and the lighting. I am now going to analyze the Mise-En-Scene for the "This Is Sparta" clip from the movie 300.

The main set of this particular scene is set outside in Sparta. The surrounding area is made of streets as well as a giant well. In the background behind the messenger we can see the countryside which is located on the edge of Sparta which is made up of fields and mountains.

The primary prop that is used is the swords of the Spartan people which are used to kill the Persian messengers. These strong weapons give the audience a feeling of fear towards the Spartans as it shows them as tough, barbaric people.

There are two actors that are focused on during this scene which are the Spartan King Leonidas and the Persian Messenger. These two are the focus of the scene as they talking to each other where the king is threatening the other. However the Queen is also in this scene as is seen when Leonidas looks over his shoulder to see her reaction. Spartan warriors and other Persian messengers are also used in this scene to show that the warriors will follow there king and that the other messengers will suffer the same fate as there leader.

The spartan costumes only really consist of a red toga which covers the top half of the body. There is also armor on there wrists and ankles which will help protect them. I believe the reason for this lack of costume is to send across a more brutal feel to the Spartans and to show that they are tough, strong and will have no mercy. The Persian messenger costumes however cover the entire body and are made up of colors including golds and greens. This full uniform could suggest they are of no importance and are not warriors unlike the Spartans.

The lighting in this scene is quite light in areas especially behind King Leonidas. However behind the Persian messenger there are black clouds which makes the lighting darker. This could be a way of showing to the viewer exactly who is the bad person and who isn't.

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