Sunday 4 October 2009

Intertextuality: Family Guy - Blue Harvest

The term intertextuality is used in media to describe the many set of tie ins, influences and other links that we find between different media texts. An example of intertextuality can be seen in many episodes of the popular series Family Guy. One particular episode that i have chosen as a example as this is entitled "Blue Harvest" which sees the main character, Peter, re-telling the story of "Star Wars".

The story is remade using characters from Family Guy and is made as a spoof which not only pokes fun at Star Wars but also follows the general tale. As a viewer of the text this parody brings a comedy element as it points out all the different flaws and stupidity that is shown in the movie. Even those who have never seen the Star Wars movies before in there life's will proberly still find this episode entertaining and enjoyable to watch. The comedy and use of this story will in effect keep those who have not seen the film hooked and wanting to see more. As well as Star Wars this particular episode also includes other forms of intertextuality including a Dirty Dancing spoof which can be seen below.

The episode also has examples of more intertextuality when the Doctor Who introduction is shown through the front of the ship as a parody to the ship going into "hyperspace". Another example is in the bar where for a split second a alien character is shown. This could seem perfectly normal to some but for others they will notice that this alien is a character from another TV show called "American Dad". Overall Family Guy as a whole is a great example of modern day intertextuality as it will very often make references to other texts and parody them in one way or another.

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