Sunday 18 October 2009

The Inbetweeners Audience Relation

The TV show "The Inbetweeners" is a comedy which is shown on the channels E4 and Channel 4 and it follows the story of four teenagers as told through the eyes of the character Will.

The audience that this show is aimed at is generally young people between the ages of 15-24. I believe this because of the school environment that it is set in aswell as the use of teenage style jokes. I feel that the show is actually aimed towards a wide range of social classes but mainly fits into the Working Classes (D) and the Skilled Working Class (C2).

The Social Value Group, Traditionalists is who i believe most of the audience who watch this will fit into. I assume this as i feel that many people who watch this only started because others were, therefore following the crowd.

The use and gratification theory suggests that we have four needs as to why we consume media. These include Diversion, Personal Relationships, Personal Identity and Survellance.

The Inbetweeners includes Diversion as whilst watching it is definatly a form of escape and release from everday pressures in comedy form. Personal Relationships is also included as we can later on discuss this show with freinds and share jokes about what happened. Personal Identity is present when watching as some could feel a connection with the characters or the situations that they have been put in.

I do not think that The Inbetweeners uses Surveillance however has it generally does not include information about what is happening in the world.

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