Friday 30 October 2009

BBC Institution

The BBC, British Broadcasting Company, is a government funded institute which is paid for by the annual television license fee. The BBC produces a range of different media products which are all across different media platforms. These include the many different channels that they broadcast in the UK including BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three and BBC Four. They also have a range of different radio stations which range from national to regional. Interactive TV is also a product of the BBC with the use of the red button and other options. The BBC as a whole is regulated by the Royal Charter which sets out the following points on how they control the BBC:

· Sets out the BBC as a Corporation

· Sets out its definition, mission and standards

· Defines the powers of the BBC

· And Creates 12 governors (five years)

The actual rights and obligations of the BBC are all set out in a licence agreement between them and the Secretary of State for National Heritage. This affects the media that the BBC actually produces as it means that they can not simply broadcast what they wish as they have a strict contract which they have to listen to.

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