Monday 9 November 2009

The Last Escape

The Last Escape is the title of an article which was included in Monday 2nd November’s issue of The Daily Mirror. The article tells the story of a man who hid inside of his car and narrowly escaped capture when he went to cross the Berlin Wall. I believe the article is aimed towards people over the age of 30 or those of whom can remember the Berlin Wall or are interested in it. We know that it is aimed towards this historian audience due to the use of dark old fashion colours in the colour scheme. This is shown with the blacks, the whites and the yellows.

The use of the old pictures of the Berlin Wall, and off the person’s family, also illustrates this. The Berlin Wall image instantly creates a feeling of fear of this powerful image but as we read this article we realise this picture is from the day it was pulled down which gives a sense of freedom.

The Now and Then images gives the audience a way of relating to how the man was back then and how he is now. The image of the car that they hid in also adds to this relation with the story. The fact that The Last Escape Title is surrounded by barbed wire also adds to this feeling a fear which is portrayed throughout the article.

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