Monday 9 November 2009

The Repugnance Evaluation

For our project we decided to film a trailer for a horror themed film which we entitled The Repugnance. In the planning stages of this trailer we drew up a simple storyboard which showed us how we were going to shoot the scene as well as what will be included. This storyboard also included ideas on what sort of music we wished to be playing at these points. Some frames also had information on what sort of things we were going to add on in the later stages including effects and titles.

Shooting as a whole worked reasonably well as a whole as we generally had an idea of where we were going to film each individual scene. However in some cases we chose to film numerous locations and decided which we felt was the best at a later date. In this process we also realised that we would need more footage then previously thought and decided a lot of the shots on location. Numerous versions of the same scene were also shot at this point so that we could decide what looked best on camera.

Actors in our group were always going to be a problem in our group as it only consisted of 2 people. However for our trailer we needed much more then this so to overcome this problem we decided to use some people from the college and others from the school. Some of the scenes also involved the same actor but in different clothes so that they appear to be different on camera.

Overall I believe that our short trailer was successful as it did complete everything we set out to achieve. For improvements we were advised that maybe we should have used a different font for the titles as some found this quite difficult to read.

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